The weekend after we got back from being in Utah for Thanksgiving, (the first weekend in December) we went to Stockbridge. MA to see their annual re-creation of Norman Rockwell's Christmas in Stockbridge painting. Here is Dad standing in front of the Red Lion Inn with the old car as seen in the painting.

They close off Main Street to traffic and bring in the old cars and it is very festive with carolers and horse-drawn wagon rides, street performers and Santa. It started to snow while we were there which put us in a very Christmas frame of mind.
We got a couple of good snowstorms at home in mid-December which set the stage for a white Christmas. The second one left about 3/8 "of ice over the snow which

This is our front yard and the front of the house which didn't show up well in the dark

I put up lots of decorations this year to make the house seem like a Holiday Inn when the

Mollie and Kyle both flew in on the 19th and Michael flew to New York and took the train to New Haven on the 20th. The family was home! (Erin and Bryce stayed in Utah this year and enjoyed Christmas with Bryce's family. We definitely missed Will's enthusiasm.)
Christmas Eve we had our usual program after traveling to the Clements in Berlin to have our band play a couple of carols for them. Megan even got Evan to play a guitar duet of "O Holy Night" with her. We served the usual snacks and opened the gifts from the kids which these days are getting to be better than the Santa gifts.

Then it was Christmas morning. Megan had to beat Michael and Evan with an empty tube from wrapping paper to get them up but eventually everyone assembled at the bottom of the stairs for the obligatory picture. Then on to emptying the stockings.
Evan displays his usual excitement. We all enjoyed Michael's purple and yellow "Sugar Daddy " pants.

Megan finds that people from Idaho get potatoes in the toes of their stockings instead on an orange.

On to the family room!

Mollie unwraps a chest full of Harry Potter books.
Michael received numerous books from his Amazon wishlist.

Evan got a motorcycle jack. Probably not the right one but Santa needed something for him to unwrap and Evan wouldn't provide any suggestions.

Kyle wanted this last Christmas but there were none to be had. This year I just happened to be in Wal-Mart right after they got a delivery so Kyle lucked out.

Dad tries to figure out his new SLR digital camera.

Michael got a light meter for his fancy photographic work.

Megan opens a new laptop.

Thanks to Guitar Hero III there was a little game playing before everyone returned to bed to nap away most of the day.
Well I'm going to post this now and finish later because I don't know what I'm doing and it gets more complicated to add pictures as I go. I will have to finish later.
Merry Christmas